Welcome to the `sphinxcontrib-proof` documentation ================================================== This `sphinx `__ extension provides some directives to typeset theorems, proofs, etc. to both HTML and LaTeX builders. .. _simple: Example ------- Consider the following text. .. _righttriangle: .. proof:definition:: Right triangle A *right triangle* is a triangle in which one angle is a right angle. .. _pythagorean: .. proof:theorem:: Pythagorean theorem In a :ref:`righttriangle`, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. .. _proof: .. proof:proof:: The proof is left to the reader. You can label and reference definition and theorems (e.g. :numref:`theorem {number} `). You can also reference proofs (see the :ref:`proof of the Pythagorean theorem `). To produce the above result, the following code was used (as well as `this CSS file <_static/proof.css>`__, and the :ref:`relevant configuration options `). .. code-block:: rst .. _righttriangle: .. proof:definition:: Right triangle A *right triangle* is a triangle in which one angle is a right angle. .. _pythagorean: .. proof:theorem:: Pythagorean theorem In a :ref:`righttriangle`, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. .. _proof: .. proof:proof:: The proof is left to the reader. You can label and reference definition and theorems (e.g. :numref:`theorem {number} `). You can also reference proofs (see the :ref:`proof of the Pythagorean theorem `). Download and Install -------------------- See the `main project page `_ for instructions, and `changelog `_. Table of contents ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 usage faq