

The main page includes a simple example. More complex ones can be found in the FAQ.

Load extension

Add sphinxcontrib.proof to the list of sphinx extensions in your config files, and use of the directives provided by this package.

In your file, have:

extensions = ["sphinxcontrib.proof"]

Directive list

A statement is called using the .. proof:theorem (replacing theorem by the statement name you want). For instance, to define a right triangle, one might use:

.. proof:definition:: Right triangle

   A *right triangle* is a triangle in which one angle is a right angle.

Available statements are: algorithm, conjecture, corollary, definition, example, lemma, observation, proof, property, theorem. See configuration option proof_theorem_types to learn how to add your custom types.

If statement has an argument, it is considered to be the title of the statement.

Labels and References

Theorems can be labelled and referenced.

Unnumbered theorems

Theorems that are not numbered can be labelled and referenced using the same tools used elsewhere in Sphinx; see: Cross-referencing arbitrary locations.

Numbered theorems

Numbered theorems are labelled, and can be referenced, using the same tools as the unnumbered theorems (see above paragraph). If numfig is true, they can also be referenced using :numref: (see HTML numbering and the sphinx documentation).

Configuration options

Those options may be set in the file.

Common options

  • proof_theorem_types :

    List of theorems types. Default is:

    proof_theorem_types = {
       "algorithm": "Algorithm",
       "conjecture": "Conjecture",
       "corollary": "Corollary",
       "definition": "Definition",
       "example": "Example",
       "lemma": "Lemma",
       "observation": "Observation",
       "proof": "Proof",
       "property": "Property",
       "theorem": "Theorem",

    Keys are the types, as used in the directive (e.g. .. proof:TYPE::) ; values are human readable types.

    Modifying this list has two purposes:

    • adding new theorems;

    • translating types (e.g. "proof": "Preuve", in French).

    Changed in version 1.1.0: New in version 1.1.0.

HTML options

  • proof_html_title_template_visit and proof_html_title_template_depart :

    Templates used when labeling theorems. Default are:

    • for proof_html_title_template_visit:

      <div class="proof-title">
          <span class="proof-type">{{ thmtype }} {% if number %}{{number}}{% endif %}</span>
          {% if title %}
              <span class="proof-title-name">(
          {%- endif -%}
    • for proof_html_title_template_depart:

          {%- if title -%}
          {% endif %}

    Note that to build the title, one has to concat : proof_html_title_template_visit + Optional theorem title + proof_html_title_template_depart.

    Those are jinja2 templates, with available variables being:

    • thmtype: type of the theorem (Theorem, Proof, or any of the values of configuration option proof_theorem_types);

    • number: theorem number (None if unnumbered);

    • title: boolean (False if anonymous).

    Changed in version 1.1.0: New in version 1.1.0.

    Changed in version 1.2.0: Split old proof_html_title_template into proof_html_title_template_visit and proof_html_title_template_depart.

  • proof_html_nonumbers :

    List of theorem types that are not numbered. Default is ["proof"]. Note that theorems of an unnumbered type cannot be referenced using :numref: (but can be referenced with :ref:).

    Changed in version 1.1.0: New in version 1.1.0.

HTML numbering

HTML numbering can be configured using numfig, numfig_format, and numfig_secnum_format.

Note that using :numref:`pythagorean` will produce Proof 2 (instead of Theorem 2). This is because although the counter is shared between definitions, theorems, etc., one have to share the same numref_format option (which is set to Proof %s by default) [1].

As a workaround, you can use :numref:`Theorem {number} <pythagorean>` to produce Theorem 2.

Changed in version 1.1.0: New in version 1.1.0.

LaTeX options

  • proof_latex_main :

    For LaTeX documents, name of the main theorem counter. All theorems share this counter (they are defined using \newtheorem{fancytheorem}[theorem]{My fancy theorem}). Default is proof_latex_main = "theorem".

    More about LaTeX numbering can be found in the FAQ.

    Changed in version 1.1.0: New in version 1.1.0.

  • proof_latex_notheorem :

    For LaTeX documents, list of names of the directives that should not be defined (in LaTeX as theorems). Default is empty. You have to define those environment in latex_elements, otherwise, LaTeX compilation will fail.

This option is used to have unnumbered proofs.

Changed in version 1.1.0: New in version 1.1.0.

  • proof_latex_parent :

    Name of the parent counter, if any. Default is None.

    For instance, if proof_latex_parent = "chapter", theorem counters will go back to zero at each new chapter.

    Changed in version 1.1.0: New in version 1.1.0.

  • latex_elements :

    Not specific to this extension, but you can add your custom theorem package in latex_elements['preamble']. See for instance this FAQ entry.

CSS and Javascript

HTML builder only add some html tags, but does not provides the CSS or javascript that uses it. You can build your own, or use the one used by this documentation package (css and javascript) by placing them into your documentation static directory. Do not hotlink to those hosted here: they will change without notice.
